Saturday, April 14, 2012

Green: Religious diversity a boon | Amarillo Globe-News

Green: Religious diversity a boon | Amarillo Globe-News

Hilary Rosen and the M word

I have a different take on this whole business. When Hilary Rosen made her now-famous comment that Ann Romney had never worked a day in her life, I think Rosen was trying to use code words to refer to… the M word.

Mormon, that is.

Here’s what I think Rosen wanted people to think about: Ann Romney is one of those Mormon women, who have been brainwashed since childhood by their extreme cult into thinking that they have to grow up to be baby factories. And she is, too; lookie all them kids she had. Man, she’s a one-woman population bomb. Sixteen grandchildren!!! Little better than a slave, really, to her husband.

So when (let us continue in her voice) Mitt asks her what she thinks women around the country think, she can’t possibly know. She’s in a religous fog, you see, one which normal women, real women, would never tolerate.

Don’t you folks realize that the Republicans are going to run a Mormon for president? And if he wins, then what? He’s gonna try to do that to all the other women in the country donchaknow. And turn the country into a Mormon theocracy!

At which point I drop back out of her voice to my own. And I want to assure you that I don’t believe any of the above.

The M word will be a peculiar thing in this campaign. The Democrats don’t want to come outright and start using it, because it goes against their purported dedication to tolerance and diversity. It’s also problematic because Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, is Mormon. Plus, it’s a bit reminiscent of JFK’s Catholicism and the way his opponents tried to claim that electing him was the same as putting the Pope into the White House.

So the Democrats don’t really want to come out and accuse Mitt Romney of the crime of being, you know, a Mormon. But they sure want us to think about it, and to fear it — especially women. Man, look at his wife! right out of the 1950′s, isn’t she? Ozzie’s Harriet, she is.

It’s nice that it backfired so badly. Perhaps it will make them gunshy about bringing it up again. But they’ll find other ways of obliquely referring to the M word, you can be sure about that.

And if they become shrill and desperate, they may start using it directly. If that happens, it’ll be a sure sign that they think they’re losing.