Sunday, September 11, 2011

Gov. Perry's Response to Capital Punishment

Several days later, I am still saddened at the uproarious applause the audience at the MSNBC Republican Presidential debate gave when Brian Williams mentioned how many executions that have taken place under Gov. Perry's term as governor. Could my fellow partisans sounded more barbaric?

I am a Republican and a supporter of capital punishment, but it is not something to cheer about. No matter how vile the crime, taking another human life is not a cavalier matter. That being said, I believe it is an appropriate form of punishment for those who take life. As Orrin Hatch said, "Capital punishment is our society's recognition of the sanctity of human life."

That being said, Gov. Perry was probably blind sided by the question (who wouldn't be?) and thus went to his perceived natural counter response of bravado and bluntness. However, in his response to Mr. Williams' set-up question, I wish he had approached it differently; more thoughtfully. I think Mr. Perry is probably less callous than his answer implied.

I wish he would have replied, "Mr. Williams, the taking of human life -- no matter how heinous the crime -- is not a trivial matter. As governor, I have a sworn duty to uphold the laws of our state. These individuals were tried and convicted by their peers and went through a laborious appeals process. At the end of the day, our legal system and jury of their peers spoke. That doesn't make the matter any easier. Life is sacred, but I also believe justice."

How much different would the national response had been? How much more of the fool would Brian Williams had looked?

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